
Looking for Mariano in Guanajuato

We don’t really know much about Guanajuato except what we’d heard about old Mariano. Us leaving San Miguel de Allende Robert Earl Keen is one of our fav singer-songwriters. We’ve belted out silly lines like “He was a Mexican. We didn’t know what to think of him until he sang ‘Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad’ too […]

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Queretaro (K-ray-tuh-row)

Queretaro used to be hard to say. Now it rolls of my tongue every time I turn a corner here and exclaim, again, “Oh my gosh! Queretaro (K-ray-tuh-row) is amazing!” We arrived yesterday and got settled into our Airbnb rental. It is a very modern building set behind one of the many nondescript metal doors […]

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Workout Day and Packing

We are packing today for our trip to Queretaro and San Miguel de Allende. It shouldn’t take long as we can only take one small backpack each. Mural by Artists Barbara Siebenlist and Fredo Kenrin at Casa Oasis. Gorgeous colors. When I was cooped up in the polar vortex at Basecamp Nyango last month, Randall […]

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