
My Family is the best

It is nice to get to be with your heros! And I have spent January with most of my heros – my great big awesome family! What a great time! The only thing missing was Randall, who stayed behind working on boat projects. I am really thankful he wanted me to go spend January having […]

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Hello Again Isla Mujeres

Back in Rio Dulce, we made the plan of sailing to Utila, Roatan and then to Isla Mujeres. We were flexible about the itinerary, as most sailors are. There was the possibility at any stop that we would collectively just want to stay put. But, as sailors often do, we were more prone to view […]

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Countdown to Roatan Departure

We are officially checked out of Roatan yesterday. We walked into Immigration and got all our documents squared away. As we left, another Capitan asked when we were leaving. “There some rough weather out daare, ya know,” he said in his deep Garifuna-accented English. We replied that we were leaving the departure decision up to […]

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