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Where Wind Wishes Come True

>Toni Payne arrived last Tuesday to help crew! She was looking forward to assisting with the Palm Springs to George Town, Bahamas leg. Instead, she’s getting the true picture of sailing listening to us check the weather everyday and mutter, “Not Today.” Its been blustery and from the North for days and we don’t expect […]

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Boat Parade

>There has been a parade of luxury boats going by all day. How will we ever chose? One More Toy, Lady Kathyrn II, or Quantum of Solace? We think there is a boat show somewhere close. Or maybe the Palm Beach waters turns ordinary boats into Yachts. I hope Capricious is drinking up.

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Goodbye Brunswick

>We said good bye to Georgia on Thursday. Brunswick Georgia wasn’t ever our planned destination but watching it diminish as we sailed away was bittersweet. Jake made so many friends at Brunswick First Baptist that they had a little going away party for him last week. Someone wrote “We Love Lily” on the marina sidewalk […]

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Oak Grove Cemetary

> Oak Grove Cemetary in Brunswick is the resting place of more than 100 Union and Confederate soldiers. The information does not specify how many Union soldiers are buried here but Confederate flags flapped in the breeze over many a still grave. The soldiers there rest in peace under their flags while, across the street, […]

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Armed and Dangerous

> “Don’t you worry about pirates when you go sailing?” Well, it’s not like we are unarmed. Flaming arrows are terrifying on the high seas. We make Jake practice at night so the locals won’t get alarmed. Hopefully, Randall will have the catapult finished before we leave. Ok, just kidding. Jake would not share pics […]

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Blue Crabs in Yellow Bucket

> Blue crabs for dinner! Capt. Bill of MV Adelaine brought over 6 blue crabs he caught trapping off the dock. We have been dangling a chicken neck over the side of the boat and have hauled up several large crabs. However, we always loose them before we manage to get them in the bucket. […]

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