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> Well, I have a number of transgressions to report. 1. Jacob got his ear pierced. Who told him that real sailors sport an earring? Michelle? Vicki? 2. Many of you will forgive the earring as “youthful spontaneity.” However, I must also report that I checked his journal and NOT A WORD. You may want […]

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Sun Harbour Marina

>We are currently anchored outside Sun Harbour Marina in Panama City. We see a lot of activity nearby. The Shell Island pontoon rentals and the Betsy Ann Riverboat all take a payload of sunbathers and tourists out on the water several times daily right past our boat. This morning, we walked a few blocks to […]

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Gettin’ Around

>We hit Panama City on the Rollerblades. Michelle and I went grocery shopping to stock up, passing through old downtown Panama City on the way. Meanwhile, Randall went to three marine stores trying to track down a part for the water pump. I successfully managed two grocery bags while rollerblading uneven terrain around the marina. […]

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Panama City, FL

>We spent Friday on a beautiful beach at Pensacola with Capricious anchored nearby. Saturday morning, we left for an overnight sail taking us to Panama City, FL. We saw numerous dophins but the big excitement was a shark which swam next to the boat for several minutes. Even though he was a fraction of our […]

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The Long Way To Pensacola

>We made landfall Wednesday in Pensacola Florida. We motored into a south wind for three days. Weather reports were indicating possible tropical depression forming in Panama. Since we were making such little progress to Isla Mujeres, we decided to turn east and go with the wind. More favorable wind was so enjoyed that we rode […]

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