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Boaters Flea Market

You never know what you will find at the twice monthly Boaters Flea Market. There is an ever-changing assortment of products. We headed to Nana Juana this morning to see what treasures we could find on sale. The flea market switches to different marinas. If we didn’t find anything to buy, Nana Juana is also […]

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Weather Watching

Weather-watchers have been saying for a week that the low pressure system off the coast of Nicaragua could become a tropical storm and might come our way. So far so good. It looks like it may just bring rain and hopefully cooler temps. I said maybe we should stock up on groceries in case we […]

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Sunday Walk

We went for a Sunday stroll yesterday. It is hard to describe the chaos of walking through town here. For starters, the traffic zips by your side with alarming closeness. Especially the semi’s wheels, whose tires roll by so close to your toes kinda cringe at the thought of getting rolled over. Take note also […]

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Yummy Ceviche

Our friend Bryan dropped by the boat earlier this week. He works on boats around town but also just finished his culinary training. He asked us if we liked ceviche. He got a loud and clear “Si” to that question. He offered to come back later in the week and make some for us. We […]

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Back in Gorgeous Guatemala

We are back aboard SV Nyango after a busy spring and summer remodeling Basecamp Nyango. We now officially have an awesome little home in Sweetwater, OK. I still can’t believe it turned out so well. Last March, we left the sailboat in Cayo Quemado at Crow’s Nest Marina to come back to Sweetwater and get […]

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Shot One from last night.

The Seven-Day Rain

It has been a solid week of rain. Yeah, it let up a couple of times to a light drizzle but the sun peaked out seldom. Today, it broke through in all its glory and everyone is running around in shorts with giddy smiles, calling to anyone within earshot, “Great weather!” or “Boat leaks? Yeah, […]

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Peyton and Lily perfecting their ballet routine.

Thanksgiving Potluck at Marathon City Marina

We threw a couple of pots into the Thanksgiving Potluck at the Marathon City Marina today. It was fun. It was a feast. I think our boat is now sitting a little low in the water. Before the meal, the marina kids decorated a turkey made of “What I Am Thankful For” feathers. Everyone colored […]

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