>Larry Joe is an outlaw. What laws have been compromised, we didn’t ask. His stories were too enthralling to interrupt. Most of the time, you hear a stranger’s stories and must picture the characters involved. But Larry Joe carries a little photograph album in his back pocket. He pulled out the tattered little album proudly […]
Archive | Salty – people we’ve met
Former Crew Salute: Jacob Fuchs
> This little piggy went skim boarding… Jake’s toes have always looked a little, well, funny. Today at the beach, he took a crack at skim boarding and wipedout. He looked down and the fourth little piggy was standing straight up. He calmly limped to Dad to show him the damage. Dad tried to push […]
Former Crew Salute: Jerry Brichacek
>We had lunch on Pensacola Bay and then said bye to Jerry. He has to get back to Drumright, OK, to beautiful wife Debbie who so graciously let him go for a week. Jerry and Debbie are busy repairing their boat’s Ike damage but Czech N Mateis almost ready for their upcoming voyage. We hope […]