Archive | ShipShape – boat work & boat life

Bowls of Boatmeal

Tristan Jones is a well known among sailors for his fascinating sea stories. He claimed to have logged more than 450,000 nautical miles on various boats. Biographers and readers have argued a bit over this number but I think it’s more controversial that we don’t have an accurate count of how many bowls of burgoo […]

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Boat rules

  Once you decide to live on a boat, tons of thought goes into What BOAT? We’ve had three sailboats and so we’ve made this difficult decision three times. It probably shouldn’t be so difficult. In the end, it is how you live and not what you live on that makes for a happy/unhappy voyage. […]

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FoxTrot Floats Again

“Did you do any thru-hull work,” the travel lift operator called, sitting patiently at the controls of the travel lift. “Uh, yeah. A lot,” was Randall’s answer as we scrambled below. “I’ll give you a few minutes,” he said to our backs. Thank goodness. I hate to ask Randall to commandeer the travel lift. Lift […]

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Armed and Dangerous

> “Don’t you worry about pirates when you go sailing?” Well, it’s not like we are unarmed. Flaming arrows are terrifying on the high seas. We make Jake practice at night so the locals won’t get alarmed. Hopefully, Randall will have the catapult finished before we leave. Ok, just kidding. Jake would not share pics […]

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New Tunes

>The new MP3 players are here. Not only does Lily now have her own, but it is permanently attached to her ear. Last night, I heard her mumble in her sleep, “plug it in, plug it in” because a dead battery is her worst nightmare. People frequently ask her what she’s listening too. Well, she’s […]

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