
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday Randall

What a fun Thanksgiving potluck at Fantasy Island. Yesterday, we had a great turkey dinner thanks to Daniella on Checkm8 who was willing to heat up her boat baking the bird. Everyone else brought the side. Daniella and Josh’s son, Silas, helped me work on gratitude feathers for our art turkey. Silas handed out a feather to each person to write down a gratitude or two. Family and friends were, of course, most cited but some others noted their gratitude for a running boat, bug spray and clean water. Then, Silas collected and gave the turkey an impressive fan of colorful feathers.

It is fun to eat together and get to know each other better at the same time. Jake and Richard share a fondness for music and books. Richard had already loaned Jake a book he thought would be enjoyed. We have all thumbed through “Slowly Down The Ganges” by Eric Newby with interest.

We had dessert choices of apple pie with sourdough crust, spice cake, custard pie and sweet potatoes pie. After so much good, a few of us took a sunset walk.

Michelle and I are enjoying gentle yoga three morning a week, taught by Dockmaster Michelle. Next week, she is going to take it up to a slightly more challenging level.

It has been pouring since we arrived which is delaying the boat repairs we are trying to get knocked out. So today before Randall birthday fun starts, we got up on the deck to redo a round of wet tape put down for fiberglass repairs.

We have sunshine and a rental car today. What could be better? We are planning to drive over to West End and check out the water, waves and tourist waters on display. Randall didn’t find his birthday present on Wednesday’s shopping trip to Megapaca so maybe today will be more fruitful

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