We are packing today for our trip to Queretaro and San Miguel de Allende. It shouldn’t take long as we can only take one small backpack each.

When I was cooped up in the polar vortex at Basecamp Nyango last month, Randall called one day and said, “Guess what I did.”
“Fell in the water climbing onboard,” was my first guess. “No. Something good,” he replied.
“Fixed something on Nyango,” was my second guess.

Randall is always fixing something that I am certain needs replacing. Although he might have done that too, he finally had to tell me that he had booked a surprise trip to Queretaro and San Miguel de Allende – two places in Mexico I have wanted to go to for many, many years. What a cool surprise!!!

I first heard of these two beautiful cities when I was learning Spanish at the Father Rother Cultural Institute. Both cities are north of Mexico City and have a lot of history, architecture and (like anywhere in Mexico) great food.

We don’t even have the trip all laid out. We are going to get there and decide how long to stay at each city and whether to also see any other places in the area.
I am hoping to do lots of drawing in my new 4 x 6 sketchbook. It is a perfect size to travel. We also want to keep our every-other-day workout schedule and do lots of walking. We go on 3 to 4 mile walks almost every day.

Mexico is so colorful. I can’t wait to see more. Hasta mañana!

I loved all the beautiful artwork in these pics. Did you wind up at the Drunken Donkey? I can’t wait to read about your upcoming destinations.. Koleen looks happy… again
Glad you are taking some chill time and enjoying the marina friends
Ha no!! The drunken donkey is beyond walking range and these pics are all from walks. Hopefully we will make it there sometime. I think it might require a cab ride. Maybe I can get a few marina peeps to go w us when we get back. So many places to check out. We have been trying to not eat out this week since we are going to be eating out for the next 10 days!! Hope all is well back home!!