My fashion model Minnie Fuchs is modeling bathrobes today on the Tipton farm, in the Tipton barn. As the coyotes howl outside, Minnie is modeling bathrobes in the barn.

My fashion model Minnie Fuchs is modeling bathrobes today on the Tipton farm, in the Tipton barn. As the coyotes howl outside, Minnie is modeling bathrobes in the barn.
Family time ruled this weekend. Toni hosted the Youngblood Family reunion and we had tons of good food all day. Lily and Hope got to get reacquainted and played happily outside all day long, pretty much having their own little backyard party. I cut away from the fun for a few hours to meet Ryder […]
When Lily gets home from the school, Minnie is right there on the driveway waiting. She knows when the fun starts around here. The evenings are getting slightly nippy so we get our hats and jackets on to run outside and play while there is light. The Alexander’s Razor is currently parked at the Tipton’s […]
Halloween always makes me feel like a unimaginative moron and a candy miser. I always vow to do better next year. Then next year rolls around and and I’m like “Ok, we have a witch, a mermaid and a gypsy all still wearable from previous years’ Oct 30 costume grab at Wal-Mart.” Lily never seems […]
Carl and Faye came to see Lily play basketball on Thursday. I don’t know what was the bigger show – cute kids playing basketball or Randall and I leading both set of grandparents to the highest bleacher in the gym. Lisa is in the habit of sitting by the open window in the hot crowded […]
Yes, we said a sad parking-lot goodbye to Michelle at the Altus Arby’s on Wednesday. Michelle headed to McKinney to see our very good friend Vicki Redd. Randall, Lily and I headed west to Caprock State Park near Turkey, TX. We crossed the Prairie Dog Town Fork of the Red River with Randall singing the […]
We have been hiking the past two days. Michelle hiked with us at Quartz Mountain. We had a beautiful rock climb and then went in to Altus for tacos at a taqueria on the square. The only taqueria (ever?) which does not sell beer. We took some back for the campfire. Said goodbye to Michelle […]
Friday night, we spent a really special night with Jan and Jeff. As soon as we arrived, Jan started mixing us an “Edna’s Lunchbox.” She got four chilled beer glasses from the freezer and explained that they were Granddad Stutz’s glassware. She poured up Coors light in each glass and followed that with a shot […]
“Thank goodness we live in a world with Octobers.” I saw this sentence on a red-leaf adorned Facebook photo and thought how nicely worded it was. I shall never utter the words “I like fall” again. We have been in- and out-of-doors all week playing and talking. We love having Michelle here and Mom and […]
Yesterday, the post ended with the cliffhanger sentence, “Right now, we are off feed Michelle another meal.” Well it wasn’t just any meal. It was Girls’ Lunch at the Country Dove Tea Room. I took my camera to record us four ladies drinking Peach Tea in Victorian surroundings. We took Mom’s car. It was to […]