Well, we went around saying good-byes and announced a departure on the blog and, then, went nowhere. Jerry and Debbie started out for Roatan. We were to catch up the next day but before we got started, Jerry messaged that his windlass was busted. He came back up the river for the fix and needs to wait for the next high tide to exit over the sandbar. So we have a couple more weeks around Rio Dulce since we still would like to travel with Czech-n-mate for this trip.
When we left last August, Lily missed getting a good-bye present from her animal rescue friends Pam and Julia. They kept her little package for her and, thinking we were about to leave again, presented her with such a sweet gift. She got a little black stuff kitty/pillow which has a beautiful hand-braided rug. They also gave her a PAWS medal of honor and an “Certificate of Appreciation” for being an outstanding volunteer. The certificate has a picture of her riding Gus. She is so proud and is making several Rainbow Loom bracelets to sell at their next fundraiser.
Today we took a long, lazy walk into town and took a few photos. Then, it was back to the marina to pick up Molly and Will for ice cream. We also sort of rewarding ourselves today for all the work we did prepping the boat for the Roatan run which didn’t happen.
Sorry about the delay. Thanks for letting us know.
LOVE all
love you toooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Enjoy the warm weather!! It was bitter cold here:today!
yes I am enjoying the warm
hi lily this is kiah I realy miss you and we got a new student her name is matilda
I miss you lily I hope I see you sooooooooooooooooooooon
see you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
Hey Lily its Jesi I was just wandering what you are doing because everyone misses you so much and I got a new puppy her name is Shotgun shotgun is my big brothers dog so my big brother named her she is an angel well not so much because she bites me so much so not so much of an angel we also have my dads dog his name is Bullet he is trained he is sort of an angel he is half red heeler and half blue heeler he is pretty he doesn’t bite wich is a good thang he is a good dog and my dog is a miniature doxen her name is Lucky but I spell her name like lucky because I wanted her name to be unique she is a good dog she doesn’t bite my dog lucky she is a angel from heaven you should come over some time when you come back from guadamalla beacause every one wants to see you again because every one at school in forth grade misses you so much I hope so very much that you have a good time :-] I will talk to you as soon as I can by see you soon love Jesi
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