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Ms. Julia's pretty yellow boat

Sunny Sunday on Rio Dulce

Today has been the first warm, sunny day in a week. It is the first Sunday of the month which is Boaters Flea Market Sunday. We went so Lily could set up her booth to benefit Freddy’s Friends. She makes rainbow loom bracelets to sell/give away with any donation to Freddy’s Friends. She made about […]

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Guatemalan girls in sugar cane field

Roatan Departure Delayed

Well, we went around saying good-byes and announced a departure on the blog and, then, went nowhere. Jerry and Debbie started out for Roatan. We were to catch up the next day but before we got started, Jerry messaged that his windlass was busted. He came back up the river for the fix and needs […]

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Nana Juana Pool

Plans for Roatan

We had dinner with Jerry and Debbie of Czech-n-Mate Tuesday night at Tortugal Marina. They have been to Roatan several times and making plans to leave soon for another trip. Before the night was done, we were tossing around plans to tag along. So the past two days, we have been methodically attacking the to-do […]

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Our boat neighbor, Michel, patching up a net.

Rio Dulce Return

It has been a long wi-fi-free week. Sorry it has taken me so long to update. We arrived at the airport at 4 am for our 6 o’clock flight out of Oklahoma City. They got us all on board but held up the plane on the tarmac due to Houston fog. We finally got off […]

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Fewer but firmer swings, instructs Dad

Securing The Fort

It has been cold around here but we braved the elements today to bike down to the fort construction site.     We have been foraging for building materials. We take basic construction tools. Hatchet, hammer, nails. Then we beat on stuff until we warm up. A few minutes usually does it.   Then we […]

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All piled in and ready for action

Playing in the Pasture With the Payne’s

Toni and Danny called Saturday night to see if we had Sunday plans. Nope. Ok, you do now, they said. Woo-Hoo, let’s hear it for spontaneous family fun days. We played outside all afternoon despite the grey skies. We rode the razor, of course. But we also did some nature exploring to show Toni some […]

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Lily Skiing at Sipapu

Randall took a few quick pics of Lily skiing. We can’t wait to go back. We all want to try snowboarding but can’t give up the precious little time we have on the slopes to a new hobby. Someday, for sure. As you can see, she prefers the snowplow form. She can actually snowplow pretty […]

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Welcome to the Snowmansion

Thanksgiving at the Snowmansion

We finally got the OK from Jake to visit him at the Snowmansion! Yeah, he totally caved in when we said we might just book rooms under alias names and show up in disguise. We headed west Wednesday and arrived at Arroyo Seco at dusk. We walked through the door of the Abominable Snowmansion and […]

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