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Dirty, Grimy Father’s Day

Randall had been saying he wanted to pull up the flooring in the galley and the nav area. A previous owner had re-floored this area by simply cutting a board to fit and laying it over the previous floor. This installation left a gap on the sides, along the angled hull, which was a trap […]

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Keeping Our Cool, Somewhat

I haven’t mentioned the heat. Yeah, it is hot. That damp look we have in all the pictures is indeed sweat. The temps are only in the upper eighties but the humidity is this wave of hot heavy air that floats around us all day making it feel like we are still wearing the damp […]

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Monkeying around in Monkey Bay

Earlier this week Lucy at Tijax Marina helped us get set up for horseback riding. We were trying to decide between the horseback riding and the kayak trip to see the monkey excursion on our own since we have a dinghy. She drew us a little map so we could find the stream known for […]

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Tijax Trail Ride

One of the Rio Dulce marinas, Hacienda Tijax (Tey-hash), is also a 500-acre rubber plantation which has a number of trails through the property for hiking and horseback riding. Yesterday, we got around early for an 8 am trail ride. Our horses were saddled and waiting on the trail when we were introduced. Raul sized […]

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Rio Dulce, Guatemala

We left Belize a little sad about how much we missed. Thank goodness, it will be right next door to us awhile and we can go back. We checked out of Belize Wednesday by taking the Hokey Pokey Ferry to Big Creek. I don’t know what they think is so Hokey Pokey about their ferry. […]

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Lily And Mom Post

Dad and I are reading The Hobbit. Right now in it, they are riding to a very dangerous forest. I lost a toenail from tripping on a rope. My toe went under the board and my nail went over the board. It still has not grown back. We just saw a dolphin with a red […]

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Lazy Sunday on Boat

Belize Ten Day Forecast: 80 Percent chance of rain every single day! I can’t believe the forecast but, apparently, this is the RAINY SEASON. It did rain through the night. We had the hatches open and Lily, sleeping underneath an open hatch, woke us up with “IT IS RAINING!” We scrambled around closing everything up. […]

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San Pedro to Placencia

We got to know the small settlement of San Pedro pretty well. Cellular World sits about midway down middle street and we went there about ten times. One of the items on the to-do list was secure phone internet service for Belize so we could check email and weather while making our way south. Little […]

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