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New Tunes

>The new MP3 players are here. Not only does Lily now have her own, but it is permanently attached to her ear. Last night, I heard her mumble in her sleep, “plug it in, plug it in” because a dead battery is her worst nightmare. People frequently ask her what she’s listening too. Well, she’s […]

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Jekyll Island Beach Festival

> We went to Jekyll Island Saturday with Mack and Shirley of SV Cats Paw. Hurricane Bill was sending a higher-than-normal surf to the area and it happened to coincide with the annual Jekyll Island Beach festival. Live music, barbecue, homemade ice cream and miles and miles of sand. The band covered Van Morrison, ice […]

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Happy (late) Birthday Mom

> Mom turned 73 last week. She’s been telling people “63” and then realizing, a little alarmed, that she’s off by ten years. Her computer has been down for several months and that internet stuff was cancelled a year ago due to lack of use. Now, she’s taking a computer class, five days a week […]

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Brunswick Historic Buildings

> Trim carpenters just don’t get jobs like this anymore. The Glynn County Court House (top pic) in Brunswick is surrounded by restored Victorian-era Painted Ladies like this one. Most of them have law firm occupants rather than families. I hope they offer their clients sweet tea and peach pie with their “the law is […]

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Boat Bread

> Randall made bread in the pressure cooker. When the lid came off, we weren’t sure about it at all. Then, it had to be pried out of the pan. It came out looking like a cheese cake. It was, despite out doubts, incredibly delicious. Pressure cooking is an art on boats. It saves fuel […]

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Work Wanted

> I know you get tired of hearing from me. So here is a post written from Jake’s perspective (how he’d have written it if he has time/inclination/interest in sharing). Spending time with my parents is ok. Dinnertime, that is. I like spending dinnertime with my parents particularly on those occasions when steak or shrimp […]

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