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The young ones at the net for this play.

Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball

We returned to volleyball this week. Actually, we call it volleyball volleyball volleyball because that is how Susie announces it during the morning cruisers’ net. Something about her “volleyball volleyball volleyball” call makes us all eager to hit the court for the daily 3 pm game. Susie is also working up a sand volleyball game […]

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Toni, Faye and Carl enjoying the Roatan sun.

Fuchs Family Visit

Mamaw, Papaw and Toni arrived for the much anticipated Roatan visit last Wednesday. Apparently, the Oklahoma City-to-Houston leg was terrible due to weather. To cap things off, the pilot for the Houston-to-Roatan flight was a little hesitant to apply brakes until right there at the end of the runway. Apparently, Faye is not a fan […]

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Lionfish by piling at Fantasy Island Marina.

Live in the Sunshine, Swim The Sea, Drink The Wild Air

Lily has found three chums to hang with this week. They swim, play “wax statues” on the beach, chase monkeys and giggle loudly. Ok, well, Lily seems to be the principal giggler. That will surprise no one back home. Also, one monkey will chase back and has sharp little claws. Lily is also chums with […]

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Fire balls in the air

Nightlife and Havana Beach

Most nights, we hit the sheets pretty soon after the sun goes down. Between volleyball, playing on the beach and the nightly cool-down cocktail, we are ready at nightfall to surrender to the gentle rocking of our berths. However, Friday night we soldiered up and stayed up until 11 pm to watch the Fantasy Island […]

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Monkey making his get-away from Ulysses.

Cruisers Got Game

We showed up for the cruisers daily volleyball game. I had this pictured as a few of us knocking the ball around with an occasional “not to bad maybe we should keep score” moment. Score was kept. I should have realized what was about to go down when one of the players said to Lily, […]

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