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Love Is In The Holiday Air

We met up with Diane, Sam and Emily Taylor for the downtown St. Petersburg Christmas celebration. As we neared the dazzling lights, the girls excited voices called out, “Someone’s getting married. Someone’s getting married.” It took Diane and I awhile to spot the Bride and Groom amid the manger scene, colorful lights and spectator hustle […]

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Spilling the paint, not the drink

November was the month of the Fuchs’ Home Renovation Project. Randall’s parents are trading in the RV life for the comforts of a home that does not rock in the Oklahoma wind and does not tend to freeze up with every Northerner. We traveled home to help. Well, Randall traveled home to help and I […]

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It is Hard Keeping Up With A Zombie

Glyn and Chase came over for pumpkin carving a couple of days ago. They are homeschooling on Sea Mist IV and leaving for the Bahamas shortly. They homeschool through the Florida Online program which is conducted by the Florida public school system. They log in everyday and learn with a certified Florida teacher. I was […]

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We have gathered here today to remember the life of Crabby…

Randall, Floyd, Lauren and Archer scouted out Don’s Salvage yesterday. We are still in search of a whisker pole but have not stumbled on to the right size yet. They ended up finding more to buy at a local Italian deli and coffee bean roasting establishment. They brought sandwiches, brownies and chocolate-covered bacon home for […]

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Sandbox Reunion

We spent Saturday watching Lily, Emily and Elizabeth excavate sand pits at St. Petersburg City Marina’s playground. It is fun to hear girls squeal excitedly to be reunited. Harborage and City Marina are about a mile apart, maybe a little more. Back in the Spring, we would walk over to visit and Lily drug her […]

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Sexier Than Socks On A What?

We met up with Lauren and Floyd at the bow of their boat. Lauren was tightening the anchor chain to the freshly forged anchor bling while Floyd stood on the dock to look over the bolt down options.  “Isn’t that sexier than socks on a rooster?”  Floyd boasted.  I am painfully literal so I had […]

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Kayak Lessons

We got back to the boat Monday, Oct 15. We had been aboard about five minutes when we hear, “Hello. Is anyone there??” Lily’s welcoming party was already here; Archer was near the stern, paddling around in her new inflatable kayak. She immediately invited Lily on for a few spins around the marina. They have […]

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Hula Hoops & Sunshine

We spent last weekend cooped up while Debbie poured down from solid grey skies. We knew it was coming so Lily and I got out a 300-peice puzzle and spread it out on the salon dinnette. I was eagerly flipping pieces of sky, flowers and blue waves when the first drop fell.  The first of […]

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Foxtrotting in Forty Knots

I feel bad that I left the blog hanging after Randall’s post. It almost looks like the girls went running around while he was working and never came back. Well, we did go running around while he was working but we made it home just as the last lug nut was tightened down. Lily and […]

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